Don’t Leave Money on the Table When You Sell a Commercial Property

By Rich Vaaler

If your marketing program consists of a FOR SALE sign in front of your property, you are missing out on a lot of money you might otherwise earn. The stakes are high if a seller takes the traditional path. The difference between saving a few percentage points for a co-broker commission vs the potentially much higher sales price is not worth the trade.
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#1 Nobody Knows “All of theBuyers”

There are literally thousands of potential buyers for commercial real estate. Buyer types include private individuals, pension funds, family office investors, REITs, insurance companies, and foreign investors.  Some commercial brokers will try to convince you to list your property with them because they know “all of the buyers”.  In reality, they don’t.  Even the the largest brokerage firms combined don’t have every qualified buyer in their database. Vaaler Commercial RealEstate developed a system, and uses the best applications, to make sure the widest possible array of qualified buyers knows your property is for sale.


#2 The Paradigm Shift

It’s hard to believe, but many commercial brokers do not cooperate with other brokers or offer to share their commissions. Sadly, their selling process involves sending off-market listings to their own clients first, then to brokers in their own office, and as a last resort, to the open market. The ONLY reason brokers don’t want to advertise o rpromote your property to other brokers, or share their commissions, is so they can make more money!  This is not in your best interest.  We are disrupting the market with our philosophy to share our fees 50/50 - 100% of the time.  


#3 We Engage Other Brokers to Maximize Exposure

We engage other brokers to be part of the distribution channel for the marketing material for your property.  In fact, the best investment a seller can make is to include an attractive co broker fee as part of the sales commission agreement.  Maximum exposure equals maximum results.


#4 No Stone Unturned

Some brokers may keep your listing in their pocket for a short time to see if they can “double end” the transaction.  We post all of our listings immediately on our website, in CREXi, and send an email blast to our distribution list of brokers, investors, and owner/users. If you list your commercial property with Vaaler Commercial Real Estate, you can be assured our marketing materials will quickly reach a diversified, and broad, audience of brokers and qualified buyers.


If your marketing program consists of a FOR SALE sign in front of your property, you are missing out on a lot of money you might otherwise earn.  The stakes are high if a seller takes the traditional path.  The difference between saving a few percentage points for a co-broker commission vs the potentially much higher sales price is not worth the trade.


Click here if you would like to arrange a confidential and private conversation to discuss how Vaaler Commercial Real Estate can help you maximize your return when you sell.

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